The Best of 2014 MOJO

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By P.R. “Randy” Cooney
Publisher of the Arizona Journal of Real Estate & Business

Eight years ago, I began writing short insights about life and success. Since that time, these insights have been e-blasted to thousands of people in the Valley and throughout the nation with the title, Monday Morning MOJO.

In reviewing the many quotes I authored during the year of 2014, I have chosen the ones, which might best propel you into this new year of 2015.

A life led by fear leads to one’s fate

A life led by faith leads to one’s fortune

One is less likely

to experience a panic attack

by having a plan of attack

One must be willing to perspire

in order to aspire to that

which one is inspired to do.

The most genius thing you can do,

is be enthusiastic about all you do.

The gym is that place one least likes going to

yet most appreciates having been to.

To truly succeed, it is about doing:

Those Things few are willing to do.

Those Things outside our comfort zone.

Those Things we may find hard and difficult.

Those Things which benefit others more than ourselves.

Those Things expected when we feel too tired to do them.

Those Things requiring us to get up early to get them done.

Those Things that push us to our max.

ALL Those Things lead us to This Thing;


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If copying or sharing the above quotes please be respectful of copyright laws and acknowledge its author P.R. ‘Randy’ Cooney / Monday Morning MOJO®

Randy Cooney is the Publisher for The Arizona Journal of Real Estate & Business, the President of the Success Institute and a licensed Real Estate Broker. Randy can be reached at 480-946-7576 or at To advertise in Arizona’s largest real estate publication, go to, journal publications tab to request a media kit.