Market Summary Cromford Report

Michael Orr b&w

Michael Orr
Arizona Journal Columnist
Owner, Cromford® Report
Director, W.P. Carey School of Business


2016 started off in a much better position than in January 2015. Almost every indicator showed us that we have a stronger market than 12 months ago. Supply remains tight at the entry level but is abundant at the higher price points. We are therefore seeing strong appreciation for the lower price ranges than for the luxury market. Please see the following charts for reference.

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Michael Orr is the Director of the Real Estate Center at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and owner of the Cromford Report Michael can be reached at or by phone at 480-262-5839. Please see course schedule on page 29 for new course: Introduction to the Cromford® Report on March 16th.