A Message from Commissioner Judy Lowe
October 25, 2016
Commissioner Judy Lowe
Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE)
ADRE… By The Numbers
The real estate industry and the professionals that serve it continue to be a pillar of the Arizona economy. Each real estate licensee plays an intricate and important role in the success of Arizona. As calendar year 2016 comes to an end, I am pleased to share metrics that represent a gradual increase of practitioners entering our industry. With this stability, professionals are also drawn to the high regard and esteem that is promoted and encouraged for Arizona real estate.
The Department of Real Estate (ADRE) has adopted and embraced the management philosophy of seeking continuous improvement in all areas. The ADRE is working to streamline all processes to ensure the services it provides are as efficient and effective as possible. The real estate professional must be able to do what they do best for the people of Arizona. We continue to measure key metrics monthly to identify areas where we can improve. The ADRE processes most original and renewal salesperson and broker applications in an average of one day.
The ADRE celebrates a “Happy New Year” two times each year. One for the calendar year on January 1 and another for the Arizona state government fiscal year on July 1. During the month of July each year, the ADRE compiles and reviews statistics from the immediate past fiscal year to compare to prior years.
At the conclusion of Fiscal Year 2016 (July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016) the number of Original Real Estate licensees totaled a net increase of roughly 8 percent, with a total of 6,487 new salesperson and broker applications being approved. Approximately 82 percent of those were submitted online through www.azre.gov.
The total number of Real Estate License Renewals also increased by a net of roughly 3 percent, with a total of 31,923 applications being approved in Fiscal Year 2016 (July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016). Approximately 98 percent of those were submitted online through www.azre.gov.
Fiscal Year 2016 ended with 80,005 total real estate licensees at the end of June 2016. As of October 1, 2016, there were 80,539 total real estate licensees. Of those, 62,046 are active in the business. A licensee must have an active license to conduct real estate activity.
Did you know that you can follow these metrics all year long on the ADRE website? License statistics are posted at the beginning of each month on www.azre.gov. In 2015 the ADRE began posting enhanced trending data to measure the monthly frequency of salespersons and broker license applications.
Please visit the ADRE website for this updated information www.azre.gov.
Real Estate & Business Forecast Seminar
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2016 – 9:00 AM TO 12:30 PM
Hear from Wayne Stutzer and Elliott Pollack on job growth, economic cycles, tax law changes, the global impact on US economy and much more.
Advance Tuition: $40 At The Door Tuition: $50
Credit: 3 hrs.Legal Issues