Reasons to Connect with Other Appraisers Online

Beth Sigg
Northwest Real Estate Services


Appraisal can be a very solitary profession, with many working for themselves and with little human interaction. While interaction in person can be time-consuming and difficult to schedule, communicating with other appraisers online is convenient and available. It’s the ready solution to the need to share ideas and opinions.

Here’s some reasons why going online works:

  1. An exchange of ideas and opinions

Appraisers may only know their own way of doing things – from the inspection to report verbiage they use. A healthy interchange of methodology, how-to information, and opinions can be enlightening to appraisers working alone.

  1. Compare work volume from across the nation

Getting in touch with others online allows an exchange of information regarding work volumes nation-wide or closer to home. It’s also a source for comments on potential clients’ payment records and whether they are easy to work with.

The workload of their peers is important for an appraiser to consider. Slow-downs in work volume create questions as to whether it’s a regional anomaly or something more serious with a client. And vetting a new client carefully can tell an appraiser whether or not to accept new work from that client.

  1. A quick source for updates

These could be updates or explanations from The Appraisal Foundation, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, FHA, VA, or USDA. Busy appraisers can find online sources quickly to stay updated.

Even with the best of intentions, updates from these sources can be missed and important information overlooked. For example, most residential appraisers performing lending work must be well versed in guidelines from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae – which change from time to time. The appraiser must be diligent in checking for new posts. Following online sources can be a convenient way to hear of pending or current changes.

  1. A marketing tool

It’s not unusual to see appraisers seek out help with assignments in specific geographic areas. They may also post online, seeking out specific services or specialties. This is a good alternative to searching lists of appraisers randomly, or on trade organizations’ websites.

So where are these online sources?  They may be sources you’re already accessing for other purposes.


Subscribe to appraisal Facebook pages for posts on current issues, and the ensuing threads of conversation about the topic. Go to the search screen and type in “Appraiser” or “Appraisal”.

Here’s some examples; they may require verification of your appraiser license to join:

  • 100% Real Estate Appraisers
  • I Am A Female Real Estate Appraiser
  • I Am A Real Estate Appraiser – The National Appraisal Coalition
  • Appraiser Insider
  • Mobile Appraiser
  • Appraisal Client Search



Podcasts are ideal, because you’re able to listen to them during your long drives to appointments. Check out:




So what exactly is a “blog”? It’s essentially an article, written on a specific topic, with readers able to comment in an ongoing thread below the article. Most will have you “subscribe” and will send you an email notification when a new post is made. Look into:




Online resources can be valuable to appraisers, who are routinely online anyway for business purposes. In a world of information overload, it’s a welcome short-cut for information. Touching base through online and web-based resources can be a huge time-saver for appraisers. It can also help grow your business and your knowledge base, for an improved competitive advantage.