July 2020 – Letter From the School VP

Greg Muir
Executive Vice President, Arizona Journal of Real Estate & Business 


Dear Friends,

I’d like to take a moment to wish all of our readers a happy 4th of July! While this holiday is typically marked with fireworks, fun, and grilling out, remember that Independence Day is an opportunity to be thankful. Let’s all take time to celebrate the freedoms we are fortunate to have. I hope you enjoy the holiday proudly and safely.

At Arizona School of Real Estate and Business, we’re continuing to do everything we can to get back to “normal” in the wake of COVID-19. Our number one goal remains to ensure student safety while delivering the quality education you need to continue your career journey. As we’re working through the reopening process, continue to visit asreb.com and watch your email for the most up-to-date course information.

In this month’s issue of the Journal, we’ll take a look at greater Phoenix Growth. While previous expectations are, of course, tempered due to the pandemic, the market has continued to move. This is due in large part to Governor Ducey deeming real estate an essential business in March 2020. Industry experts will share their thoughts on growth trends and the outlook of greater Phoenix in this issue.

I hope you will join us for our next seminar, “Greater Phoenix: Growth, Impacts, & Trends” on July 31st. Whether it’s hosted via Livestream or at our Scottsdale campus, attend this event for the opportunity to get an understanding of current Phoenix growth trends from area professionals. Visit asreb.com for the most up to date location information and to secure your seat!


Greg Muir

Executive Vice President