ADRE by The Numbers

All real estate licensees play an intricate and important role in the success of Arizona. The Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) is pleased to share metrics – which represent an overall increase of practitioners in the profession. The ADRE celebrates a “Happy New Year” two times each year. One for the calendar year on January 1st, and another for the Arizona state government fiscal year that begins on July 1st. During the month of July each year, ADRE compiles and reviews statistics from the immediate past fiscal year to compare to prior years. As of July 1, 2020, the number of real estate licensees totaled 88,616, a 0.7% percent increase from the same month last year. As of October 1st, the number of real estate licensees totaled 89,097. ADRE is very thankful for the Online licensing service platforms available to real estate professionals, especially during this time. Over 90 percent of original license applications and 99 percent of renewal applications are submitted online through The charts below represent the growth in the Arizona real estate profession over the past several years. Additionally, ADRE received a ten-year high in development services applications, which is notable as a public report is obtained before a subdivision of six   or more lots or parcels is marketed to prospective purchasers. Up to date monthly licensee stats and trends are available on the ADRE website at